Many couples think they have to plan their nuptials by the book – that is, to wear a white wedding dress, get married in a church, and run underneath a shower of rice. However, the reality is that cookie-cutter weddings don’t always suit every couple. Some couples want to stand out and be a bit bolder. 
If you feel that throwing a conventional wedding would be inauthentic to you and your partner, we’ve got you covered. Break free from the norm with these non-traditional, edgy wedding ideas: 

1. Wear a wedding dress that isn’t white

Most brides dream of walking down the aisle in a white dress, while others would rather wow their guests in colorful fabrics. So if a white dress doesn’t feel true to you, then don’t wear it! You can still be a beautiful bride even if you break tradition. 
When going wedding dress shopping, ask your consultant to pull pieces in unconventional colors such as red, green, and if you want to be as bold as can be, black. Remember, it’s your wedding day, so you make the rules, no matter how non-traditional they may be. 

2. Or don’t wear a wedding dress at all

Hallmark movies may have shown you time and again that brides “should” walk down the aisle in a gown, and that grooms “should” wear suits. However, you don’t have to wear anything you don’t want to. There’s no need to steer away from your style.  
If you don’t want to spend your day in an itchy wedding gown, then wear a tea-length dress or a bridal suit (because who says brides can’t wear pants?). Similarly, if your groom doesn’t want to sweat away in a tux, he can wear suspenders or a casual suit and tie. Wearing something you feel comfortable in will allow you and your fiancé to move more freely and actually have fun. 

3. Choose an unconventional venue

Churches, country clubs, and backyards are classics, and while they’re undoubtedly beautiful, not all couples like cookie-cutter venues. If you’d rather be a bit unconventional, why not consider saying your “I dos” at an out-of-the-box venue, such as on top of a mountain, at a museum, or at the train station? 
You could also opt for places that are special to you and your partner, such as the restaurant where you had your first date or the park where your now-fiancé proposed. When you choose an unexpected venue, your wedding is sure to stand out in your guests’ memories. It won’t be just another addition to their long list of boring weddings they’ve gone to. 

4. Get married without telling your guests

Want to throw the most low-key wedding ever? Don’t tell your guests about it. Tell them you’re throwing a get-together, and when they arrive, spring the news on them. You’ll have to be stealthy as you plan your nuptials in secret, but that’s part of the fun! 
Ask your wedding planner to swear they won’t tell a single soul that you’re throwing a wedding in the guise of an ordinary gathering. Do note, however, that some people (particularly family members) won’t be happy that you kept them in the dark. If you don’t want to deal with the drama that comes with their disappointment, you can let them in on your plan – but make sure they can be entrusted with your secret! 

5. Customize your ceremony

Does the standard wedding format feel too formal for you? Are its “parts” too predictable? Feel free to tweak your ceremony – after all, it is your wedding, so you decide how the day goes. 
Dance your way down the aisle. Use famous lines from your favorite TV show as your vows. Instead of throwing rice, ask your guests to blow bubbles or fly paper airplanes your way. And rather than assigning a child to be the ring bearer, let your dog bring your wedding rings to you. 
Don’t worry, even if you mix unorthodox elements into your nuptials, you can still get married legally (as long as you have a marriage license and officiant, of course). 

6. Set a unique theme

Newsflash: weddings don’t have to be formal. Your theme can be as whimsical as you want it to be!
Add a fun flair to your nuptials by choosing a theme that’s authentic to you and your partner’s personalities. Throw a glamorous, 20s-inspired party, a boho-chic celebration by the beach, or a garden wedding that looks like it was taken right out of a fairytale book. You could even take inspiration from movies you both love (a Marvel-themed wedding, maybe?). 
With a wedding theme, you’ll have an easier (and more fun) time designing your venue, choosing the decor, and deciding on the dress code. Most importantly, your celebration will be a memorable experience for both you and our guests. 

7. Find fun ways to entertain your guests

What do guests normally do once the ceremony is over? The answer: they go to the reception where they dance, dine, and drink the night away. While the traditional after-party is fun, it’s far too basic for bold couples like you and your partner. Plus, it won’t make your wedding stand out – do you really want that?
To make your post-ceremony festivities more fun, plan activities for your guests, such as table games they can play during dinner (e.g. trivia about your love story). Provide other forms of entertainment by choosing out-of-the-box vendors. For example, instead of a pianist, hire a painter who can paint a special scene on the spot. Other wildly entertaining options include tight wire dancers, contortionists, and comedians. 

It’s your wedding, so make it your own!

Deviating from the traditional wedding format may be a bold choice, but it’s one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. It’s your wedding, so you have every right to do things your way! And don’t worry, even if you break a few (or all) of the traditions, your wedding will still be as beautiful as ever. It might even be the wedding that your guests will remember for the rest of their lives. 
Katie Pierce
About The Author
Katie Pierce is a teacher-slash-writer who loves telling stories to an audience, whether it’s bored adults in front of a computer screen or a bunch of hyperactive 4-year-olds. Writing keeps her sane (most of the time) and allows her to enjoy some quiet time in the evening before she walks into a room of screaming kids (all of whom she loves dearly) the next morning. 
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