
11 Feelings Every Person Has When They've Found the One

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If we had a dollar for every time we heard the phrase, “when you know, you know,” in reference to finding the perfect lifelong partner, let’s just say we’d have a big ol' collection of red-soled shoes. But as cliché as it sounds, it's kind of true. While you may not have that made-for-the-movies aha moments, over time you'll start to recognize emotions that let you know it's the real deal. Here are eleven feelings you'll definitely have when you've found your one and only. 1. Excitement. Hello, butterflies! You light up every single time you get to see your significant other. Spending time together is the best, and you're so pumped about the idea of doing it for the rest of your days. 2. Gratitude. You're just so darn thankful that your partner came into your world. Is it possible that you're the luckiest person in the world? 3. Anticipation. You can't wait to begin the rest of your life with this person (and you're anxiously waiting to make it official). 4. Happiness. You're utterly ecstatic to be in a relationship with your S.O., and you couldn't be happier to call him or her your own. 5. Relief. You've finally found the person who you want (and choose) to be with every day. Done and done! 6. Overjoyed. You're so elated that you just can't keep it to yourself. From your bestie to your mother to that random woman in line at Starbucks, you want to tell literally everyone about your other half. 7. Comfort. You are 100% at ease with your partner. You can tell him or her anything and you both trust each other completely. 8. Passion. Kisses, hugs, cuddle sessions, and intimacy are all things you want to do on repeat. 9. Surprise. It kind of blows your mind that someone loves you as completely as your beloved does. But hey, you're completely into it! 10. Confidence. You feel certain in your relationship and you know you're both in it for the long haul. You've got faith in the power of your partnership. 11. Contentment. You feel totally fulfilled with your significant other. You plan to stand by each other through the good times and the bad, and can't imagine it any other way. All GIFS via Giphy. Now that you found the one, here's some advice for keeping your relationship strong! 5 Things You Should Never Compromise On In a Relationship 8 Little Things You Can Do To Make Sure Your Partner Feels the Love 20 Things Every Person Should Know About Their Partner
Alexia Conley
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Founder of Wiley Events.
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